Customer Testimonials

Performs well even in tough environments...

“Currawong Engineering’s selection of products has allowed us to simplify our electrical system by utilizing CAN protocol for all our devices.  They offer reliable hardware that performs well even in tough environments, and deliver on their specifications.  Additionally, they have been able to quickly turn around custom prototypes when required.

Power4Flight has been a great resource for recommending and acquiring solutions to very niche problems.  They have always been able to point us in the right direction when something new arises that requires custom hardware or software.  Their knowledge of small UAS systems and the power sources that drive them has come in handy for understanding just how far we can push our platforms.”


PteroDynamics, USA

Currawong Velocity ESCs are a big step up from hobby ESCs...

“The Currawong Velocity ESCs are a big step up from hobby ESCs that claim similar power ratings. Electrical performance, thermal management, CAN integration, engineering documentation, and technical support are all a cut above. Currawong and Power4Flight provide timely, responsive support to streamline system integration. These are serious ESCs for serious engineering development of high-power electric UAS.”

Confidential Customer,  USA

We chose to equip our Rapier X-25 UAV with the Corvid-29 engine by Currawong Engineering

“We chose to equip our Rapier X-25 UAV with the Corvid-29 engine by Currawong Engineering, a 2-stroke single-cylinder EFI engine with a very low fuel consumption and a low weight.

Our experience with this engine has been very positive since the beginning, thanks to both the minimal time necessary for the engine integration and the reliability demonstrated during tests. Moreover, the support from CE has always been close, punctual and effective in resolving any doubts and problems we encountered.

The Corvid-29 collected already several operational hours at SES test bench and during the Rapier flight tests. The engine requires minimal maintenance and the operations to be performed are very simple.

Last but not least, the Corvid-29 passed a FAR33 endurance test up to 300hrs, carried on by CE, that helped to speed up the Rapier Military Type Certification process with the Italian Minister of Defence and no critical issues related to the engine have been encountered during this process.”

Sky Eye Systems, Italy

Currawong Engineering

54 Patriarch Drive, Huntingfield, Tasmania 7055

(03) 6229 1973


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Canada and the USA

For USA and Canada ESC customers, please contact our partner, Power4Flight